Used Saxophones

Used Saxophones
Please contact us for more information on any of these instruments.Price
Buescher Alto£350
Boston Alto£425
Buffet Crampon Alto Super Dynaction£1250
Cousenon SP Alto£250
Elkhart Sporano Black/Gold£475
Hohner Alto Sax£275
Jupiter 500 Alto£350
King Alto 613£299
La Fleur Alto SP£350
Montreux Alto Frosted Silver£399
Montreaux Tenor£400
Trevor James ‘The Horn’ Alto£399
Yamaha YTS32 Tenor£750
Yamaha YSS475 Soprano (Ex-Demo)£475
Yanagisawa A901 Alto with Case (Ex-Demo)£999
Yanagisawa Sopranino (Ex-Demo)£1000